Fat boy still sweatin'...
Sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks, but as you'll hopefully see over the next few days, I most certainly haven't quit and I've stayed relatively on track. I'm about a week and a half behind schedule because believe it or not, even I have a busy day every once in a while. If the generous folks that have offered to motivate me with various rewards feel that this disqualifies me, I understand, but I still fully intend to finish. If I do all 90 workouts in 100, 110, or even 120 days, I'll still be in the best shape of my life and that's worth something, right?
Since I have to get you up to speed on three or four weeks worth of workouts and unflattering pictures, I'm going to break it into one-week segments and try to post one every day or two until I'm caught up. I'll also try to keep text to a minimum for any specific workout I've already covered (which will mostly be the week this post covers--Week 3--and the week I'm actually finishing up right now: Week 6).
Most important non-workout related information: I lost a net of about 10 pounds in the first month, hit a bit of a wall with the weight loss (probably because I really got off schedule during weeks 4 and 5, only getting three or four of the six workouts in per week for several weeks), and just recently lost another 2 pounds for a total net of 12 pounds lost. Assuming I've gained any small amount of muscle, I like to think I've lost something close to 15 pounds of fat. Still a long way to go, but I don't think it's a bad start for someone that's a little off schedule and has only monitored his calorie intake for three or four of the seven plus weeks since I started.

Yep...still Christmas around here on Day 15 (mid-February).
Day 15: Chest, Back, and Abs: Week 3 was the same schedule as Weeks 1 and 2, so if you want to know more about this workout (and any of the ones below), please check out my previous P90X posts.

Still standing after my third round of Plyometrics on Day 16 (Plyo was the one that had me laying on the floor on Day 2).
Day 16: Plyometrics: Hated it the first two weeks, hated it here, and still hate it. But I hate it a little less every week.

Man, I'm hungry...on Day 17 and every day.
Day 17: Shoulders, Arms, and Abs: Except for the abs workout, I kind of like this day. Isn't it obvious?

Nothing like a fat, bearded guy dozing off while taking a picture of himself after celebrating Christmas in February with a little Yoga...Day 18 is in the books.
Day 18: Yoga: Still can't do everything in this workout (some of these positions and postures are just not fair), but getting better. I just wish it wasn't 90 minutes long...no wonder I couldn't hold my eyes open afterwards.

Day 19 might have produced the most sweat yet...I bet.
Day 19: Legs, Back, and Abs: Not a big fan of this one, but then again, I wouldn't call myself a big fan of any of them. Why am I doing this again?

No, I didn't just go swimming. I just finished Day 20. And yes, I keep clothes on my recliner nearly all the time. Clean or dirty? Your guess is as good as mine.
Day 20: Cardio (still subbing for Kenpo): Brian, the buddy that originated this fiasco and loaned me the DVDs and pull-up bar, was just here Tuesday night. Did he bring the Kenpo DVD? Of course not. At this point, I don't know if I want to do it anyway. If it ain't broke...
Day 21: Rest or X Stretch: Forgot to take a picture of myself on these rest days for the last few weeks (probably because I got a little too comfortable and took a few too many rest days lately...it made snapping a picture of myself sitting or lying down seem like a lot of work). Anyway, take my word for it. I rested.
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