I told you frequency would increase and here is the first effort at fulfilling that promise. With way too much time on my hands, here are the things I have and have not cared about lately:
Maybe I'm short-sighted and ignorant, but I don't care that much about the Damon Evans (UGA Athletic Director) DUI. Sounds like he did something really dumb, paid a tremendous price professionally, and likely one personally. My heart goes out to his family and whatever trials they may now face. I don't see the huge impact on UGA athletics. Athletic Director at the University of Georgia is a top ten job in its field and should attract plenty of qualified candidates. Only a bone-headed move by (UGA President) Michael Adams and/or the hiring committee could screw this up. The Dawgs should be fine.
I do care about racial politics defining our current presidential administration. Two specific issues:
1. When Arizona passes a law intentionally mirroring federal immigration law (racial profiling is specifically prohibited by the new law, contrary to what its detractors keep insisting), Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder files a lawsuit against the state, not on the grounds that it encourages racial profiling (as they claimed before actually reading the bill themselves), but on the grounds that it violates the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution. At the same time, Obama's/Holder's Justice Department turns a blind eye to various "sanctuary cities" that have openly DEFIED the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution by refusing to enforce immigration law and/or cooperate with federal immigration authorities. As if the hypocrisy itself is not enough to boil a legal citizen's blood, I have little doubt that the motivation behind the hypocrisy is purely political. With approval numbers sinking and incompetency evident in every arena into which the administration prances, they are in desperate need of more sympathetic and loyal voters. The push for amnesty for illegal aliens is already subtly underway. Expect it to hit full stride in the months following the beat-down Democrats should receive in the November elections. If a lame duck Congress can't grant amnesty and a quick path to citizenship to millions of illegal aliens by the time a new Congress takes office in January, expect an executive order to that effect directly from the Enabler in Chief himself. Anything for more votes in 2012.
2. The issue surrounding the New Black Panthers and the voter intimidation from the 2008 election is not one that is likely to alter the course of our country (like the Arizona immigration lawsuit above may be), but it is a shameful anecdote further exposing the hypocrisy of this administration. In case you missed it, imagine for a moment that you are a minority voter on election day and you encounter a hooded KKK member brandishing a club right outside the entrance to your polling place. How many black voters do you think would feel intimidated? How many might report it to the authorities? What are the odds that the racist thug would be arrested, charged, tried, and convicted of voter intimidation? Well, apparently, the same rules don't apply to New Black Panther leader King Samir Shabazz. Not only did this guy dress up in pseudo-military garb, wield a club, and intimidate white voters at a polling location in 2008, but it's all on video all over the internet (seen in the first few seconds of this video clip). Not only did the guy that said “You're going to have to kill some crackers...you're going to have to kill their babies,” (also on video all over the internet and a few seconds deeper into the same video clip) not face any criminal charges, but Obama's/Holder's Justice Department chose to drop the civil case against him after having won it. Further, one former Justice Department attorney (J. Christian Adams) recently testified that current Justice Department policy would not include prosecution of black defendants in voter intimidation cases where the victims were white.
However accurate and provable Adams' testimony turns out to be, the Obama/Holder Justice Department clearly has no interest in pursuing cases against radical, racist, black-supremacy groups where evidence is plentiful, no interest in enforcing the Supremacy Clause in "sanctuary cities" thumbing their noses at federal immigration law, and is willing to file a lawsuit against one of its own states attempting to enforce federal immigration law. So much for Obama personifying an end to racial politics in America.
Oh yeah, I also don't care where LeBron James plays basketball next year.
ReplyDeleteWe care and don't care about the same things!! We should hang out, and talk till dawn about such things...
I just realized I'm signed in to Melissa's account, this is David, not David's wife wanting to hang out with you. I'm sure Melissa wants to hang out with you, just not till dawn like I do.
Why am I the only nerd that replies to your blog??
We should definitely hang out and talk til dawn about such things. Let me know if you get a few minutes before you head back up to Yankee-land.